Rebekah Keat | How to Make a Life-Changing Difference

My dear friend and multiple world champion triathlete Rebekah Keat joined my podcast this week and the downloads are already on fire!
We chat all things love, hope and healing, but it's her mission to end the slaughter of America’s horses through education, engagement, and legislation that's causing many to wake up and get into action.
I'll be honest -- I have spent very limited time with horses in my life, but each beautiful experience is one I will never forget.
However, the reality is that 60,000 horses are unethically sold into slaughter each year for human consumption.
I know.... that's really hard to read but I promise there is HOPE.
Rebekah (Bek) and her wife Siri Lindley founded the Believe Ranch & Rescue to end horse slaughter and give them the second chance they so deserve.
Horses embody our nation’s spirit.
Our western frontiers were traversed on their backs.
They are our heroes, our partners, our healers, and our children’s best friend.
Bek and Siri have saved 116 horses so far and are on their way to congress to end the senselessness once and for all.
Countless high-profile celebrities including my mentor Tony Robbins are helping to drive this mission forward, but they need your help, [FIRST NAME GOES HERE].
If you appreciate these majestic creatures and want to help make a life-changing difference, head on over to Horses in Our Hands to add your name to ban horse slaughter now.
Takes 1 minute, my friend.
If you're wondering if it's a good use of your time, or worry that it won't make a difference anyway, remember this:
'Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.' -- Margaret Mead
Here's to you making a life-changing difference today!
ps: Don't forget to go to Horses in Our Hands to help ban horse slaughter now. Literally takes 1 minute and your signature can save lives, thank you!
Some Questions I Ask:
How does it feel to reflect on the impacts you’ve made in the world? (2:58)
How have you pivoted your business from survival mode to thriving mode in 2020? (6:51)
How did you and your wife meet? (9:35)
What is the SAFE Act? (16:55)
What have you learned through the experience of being Siri’s wife as she went through leukemia? (25:19)
What is your definition of an awakened soul? (33:04)
In This Episode You Will Learn:
How Tony Robbins’ Business Mastery affected Rebekah Keat’s business. (6:19)
How Rebekah started her journey of saving animals, including 116 horses. (14:25)
What obstacles are in the way of passing the SAFE Act. (20:05)
How to support the SAFE Act. (21:31)
How Tony Robbins helped Rebekah learn to become more present in her life and with her wife. (32:02)
Connect with Rebekah Keat: