Women’s Wisdom Circle 

Inside Women's Wisdom Circle, an invitation awaits you to create a harmonic life with a fully alive heart!

This powerful portal is where you activate your authentic truth and ignite limitless possibilities. 

We work with the Gene Key Pulse as our collective prompt to make the internal shifts that set us free.

These gatherings are free and every bit as powerful as my paid group containers. 

Come sit and see what happens. 🦋

We meet on zoom every Thursday @ 12pm EST. 

RSVP below & join when you can.


“Loved being on the live call yesterday. I’m really looking forward to the next one. Thank you for this incredible offering for us.” — Trisha B.

“Thank you for the reminder of listening or finding my truth. Lots to contemplate here. I appreciate everyone who shared! Great call.“ — The Nomadic Tarot

“Wisdom abounds in the sharing of our experiences. Growth happens from how the process unfolds and new insight gives way to the gifts. Thank you!” — Victoria K.

“Thank you for creating a women’s circle around the Gene Keys. You truly care and it shows.“ — Ellen C.