The Gene Keys & Reclaiming Our Inner Knowing with Jay Cohen
Jay Cohen is one of our most popular guests on Fire and Soul and he's back!
Six months ago, he joined me for a deep conversation on the Gene Keys and this time, we're not only riffin' on that but more importantly, the reclamation of our inner knowing.
If you’ve been questioning your relational dynamic with a system of any kind—could be the Gene Keys, religion, astrology, politics, your own "beliefs" (which I highly recommend you do), and have something to say about that but hide your truth for fear of what others may think—this conversation is for you.
We dive heart forward into our evolutionary reflections on the Gene Keys, standing firm in self trust, explore an unspoken concept of reincarnation (and whether we have a choice to return to this planet 🤯)…
As well as how we can begin to communicate with each other nonverbally, and how to identify your core wound for this lifetime that can lead to transformative healing and Divine power. This one is LIT.
Let’s journey!
→ Catch Jay’s first visit to Fire and Soul here
→ Save your spot at the Soul Essence Retreat ✨
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