Shamanic Sexuality & Sacred Sex Ed w/ Pleasure Priestess Leola

I’m so happy you let yourself get curious about this episode’s title! You’ll see just how important curiosity is as you drop into this really juicy, deeply liberating, super needed conversation.

Because Fire & Soul is a sacred sanctuary to awaken to every area, every dimension, every portal so let's dive in.

Today we’re exploring shamanic sexuality and sacred sex ed so we can begin to heal this collective shame we’re carrying around our sexuality, our sensuality, and our bodies.

Our guide is Pleasure Priestess, Leola Watkins, and the story of how we arrived here is one of absolute divine timing and intervention! It’s a shame that so much of this wisdom has been taboo and we've been in secrecy or hiding—many of us not even knowing how to relate to our bodies. But that ends today with this beautiful conversation.

It may be an awakening. It may be more of a remembrance.

Whatever brought you to this conversation, my hope is that you allow that curiosity to continue to fuel you into some sort of inspired action so you come home to your body, your heart, your intuition, your light and dark feminine.

Though this conversation touched on many things and had some beautiful weavings, there's a lovely through line of liberation. Part of spiritual awakening is awakening to all aspects of ourselves and to be embodied from that holistic point of view so we can step back into—and fully reclaim—our divine power. This conversation is a beautiful introduction to that.

Meet: Leola Watkins

Leola is a Sacred Intimacy Mentor & Muse, inspiring others to see an integration of sexuality and spirituality. She guides individuals and couples in discovering how life-force energy moves in the body; and more importantly, how to harness this inner-power for a pleasure-filled life that begins with our most intimate relationships and extends to our livelihood and our worldview.

In her early 20s, Leola discovered tantra and shamanic sexuality as modalities to heal her relationship to her body, process past sexual assault, and create a life she loves. She is now dedicated to guiding others to be turned on by life itself.

In this podcast episode, you will learn:

  • The importance of leaning into the resistance in order to grow

  • How our places of power as women have been demonized

  • How to create safety & connection with these intimate parts of ourselves

  • What led Leola to this path of being a Pleasure Priestess

  • An exploration of dom/sub relationship

  • The words used to describe female genitalia & the energy of those words

  • The ultimate trifecta of tantra + shamanic sexuality + divine feminine

  • What we’ve been missing about the divine feminine & femininity

  • Pleasure practices to try at home start integrating this work

  • How to begin to shift toward a pleasure-led life

  • A deep dive on the 4 types of sex

  • What eros is and how to expand it in your life

  • How sensuality can help heal the Sisterhood Wound

Go however fast or slow you want to go, honor your pace, and uncover what that pace looks like for you through discernment. No matter what, I greatly encourage you to be around other women who are embodied in their feminine and see what that invokes in you!

If you feel called—please reach out to us and share what this conversation opened up for you, or even what some of your home play practices were!

Also Mentioned on This Show:

Sacred Sex Ed (book)

Womb Wisdom w/ Davana May

Connect with Leola



Connect with Michelle

Soul Essence Retreat (You may see Leola here!)





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