The Fine Line Between Hesitancy and Urgency with Matt Gottesman

In this episode, I am excited to be joined by Matt Gottesman. Matt is an awakened soul on a mission to arm the masses with as much knowledge and tools to create, publish, build, scale, and sell on the Internet while living through these incredibly challenging times.

Matt is a founder, digital marketer, and Web 3.0 enthusiast by trade but is also a multidisciplinary creative, podcaster, writer, artist, and so much more.

Even though the pandemic narrative is beginning to crumble, many of us have a massive sense of fear yet not all of us know how to move forward DESPITE the fear so end of staying stuck and silent.

And this is why I'm so honored that Matt joined my podcast to speak about exactly that. This conversation will help you BREAK FREE with a conscious perspective from an awakened warrior who walks his talk.

Matt shares how to tap into your personal power by learning to embrace uncertainty with a special take I hadn't heard before, how to embody SELF RELIANCE, and why it may be urgent to DECIDE to show up as the leader you already are right now. Because if you’re on the awakening journey, even the very, very beginning, you are in fact already a LEADER in these polarized times.

In This Episode You Will Learn:

  • The irony of getting ‘unstuck’ (5:57)

  • What you will gain when you remove the judgment from other people (17:25)

  • How facing uncertainty builds confidence (32:34)

  • Matt’s advice for neutralizing polarizing conflict (40:37)

  • Why you are in fact a leader if you’re participating in the other side of the mainstream narrative (56:23)

Connect with Matt Gottesman




Matt’s Substack


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