The Podcast Accelerator

The Podcast Accelerator
The only done-for-you, white-glove-service, concierge-curated podcasting course AND coaching program in the world.
If you recognize the authority and connection boosting power of sharing your voice…
If “start a podcast” is on your bucket list…
And if you’re tired of the perpetual “someday” deadline…
Then you’re in the right place because this is the *only* done-for-you podcast production and coaching program in the world to create and actually launch the podcast of your dreams.
Launch your very own professionally produced, polished, and powerhouse podcast in just 8 weeks with a professional in-demand top podcast producer and 7-figure mindset coach by your side every step of the way
HEADS UP! This is NOT a course with some measly 2% completion rate. This is an 8-week fully supported → live and in (virtual) person ← journey that ends with you reaching the podcast launch finish line.
To the creatives, coaches, entrepreneurs, activists, and visionaries of the world who are ready to unleash their voice and bring their vision to life by sharing their message far and wide:
✔️ 8 weeks from now cross a HUGE accomplishment off your 2021 goals list and *finally* launch the career shifting, meaning making, income boosting, vehicle for crazy personal and professional growth otherwise known as a podcast 😉
✔️ Get unparalleled accountability and your hand held the whole way through with your very own personal, Professional Podcast Coaching Team, Concierge, and Community
✔️ Know *exactly* what steps to take to not just launch your podcast but to build something with serious staying power, that in turn becomes a catalyst for your wildest dreams to come true. Yes it's a big deal, and YES we'll hook you up with everything you need to make it happen
✔️ Ditch the tech overwhelm with step-by-step LIVE lessons AND on-demand tutorials on everything you need to know from the founder of a leading podcast production house (did we mention Ginni produces podcasts for big brands like Conde Nast, Allure, Siemens, and Architectural Digest?!)
✔️ Gain confidence in your ability to land inspiring guests (helloooo interviewing and connecting with your own heroes and mentors!) and learn to unearth the gold in every conversation
✔️ Overcome the inner voice hellbent on keeping you small. Turn your limiting beliefs into limitless potential with personal support and coaching from a mindset master who won’t let you fail (did we mention Michelle coaches mega clients like US Presidential Candidates?!)
✔️ Look and sound like a pro with custom-made cover art, a compelling intro and outro, and seamlessly produced podcast music that perfectly fits your vibe and purpose (did I mention we’ll do it all FOR you?)

Here at The Podcast Accelerator HQ, We Believe Proof Speaks Louder Than Any Promise We Could Ever Make
And luckily, we’ve got plenty of it.
Alex Molden
The Shark Effect Podcast
“It’s been an amazing experience. Everything has been hands-on, holding your hand, making sure that everybody stays on task and I really needed that. I’m excited about what the future holds.”
⭐️ 64 Episodes and One Hundred and Eighteen 5 Star Reviews
Hanny Patel
Get Glowing Podcast
“This program is incredible!! The word "Accelerator" could not be more accurate. It's gotten me out of my head and into action, making what I dreamed about doing actually come to life. All thanks to the excellent curriculum and leadership, guidance and support of the inspiring Michelle Marie Sorro and super talented Ginni Saraswati! Amazing!” ⭐️ 9 Episodes and Fifty 5 Star Reviews
Billy Gallo
hollywood Dream maker podcast
“As the owner of a brick and mortar acting studio in Los Angeles and forced to shut my studio doors when the lockdown hit, I knew I had to pivot to an online platform to reach more students with virtual classes. I launched my podcast in April 2020 and by the end of the year doubled my business revenue. I’m now GLOBAL and it’s all because of having a podcast!”
⭐️ 36 Episodes and Sixty 5 Star Reviews
Michelle & Mark
The Awakening Empty Nester Podcast
“Amazing. The sessions are clear and well delivered, thorough yet not overly complex, and extremely well guided by two professionals who simply know their stuff. Grateful and really appreciate what Michelle and Ginni have put together. Thank you so much ❤”
⭐️ 35 Episodes and Twelve 5 Star Ratings
Alexia Melocchi
The heart of show business podcast
Having a podcast got me a 6-figure book deal from a listener in another country!” - Alexia Melocchi, host of the Heart of Show Business Podcast
⭐️35 Episodes and Fourty-Seven 5 Star Ratings
joseph mcclendon III
The cure for the common life podcast
The greatest part is that they take you by the hand: you do this first, you do this next, and at the end of it, you’ve got it done!”
⭐️43 Episodes and Fifty-Five 5 Star Ratings
And those are just the beginning, friend…
What if a powerful platform to attract the income and impact your daydreams are made of…
...were nothing more than a microphone, an internet connection, and a supportive team walking you the process step-by-step?
It’s not a riddle, it’s your future podcast-powered reality.
You’ve spent a lifetime:
–» LEARNING all there is to know when it comes to your passions (I’m willing to bet your bookshelf is proof!)
–» STRENGTHENING your skillset, expertise, and understanding of who you are and the difference you’re here to make
–» HELPING the people who need you most — from total strangers to loved ones, clients to curious peers, you’ve got a heart of gold and plenty of wisdom to share
To sum it all up,
You’ve spent a lifetime PREPARING to play a bigger game and build something bigger than yourself.
Waiting your turn on the sidelines is no longer an option.
Staying quiet, creating magic and impact behind the scenes, being the best kept secret in your industry… it’s no longer enough.
And you know it better than anyone.
You know now is the time…
… to stop playing small.
… to share your hard won wisdom, your message, your one of a kind voice and vision far and freaking wide.
… to blast past your limiting beliefs, kick imposter syndrome to the curb, and step into the life of purpose you came here to live.
From this point forward, consider the mystery of how you’ll do all of the above officially solved.
Your purpose-driven podcast is how, and here’s why:
3 reasons sharing your voice and vision with a podcast is the key to bringing your big dreams to life

Let’s face it, when it comes to getting your message out there, gaining traction, building an audience, and creating serious clout, and maybe even changing lives — you’ve got no shortage of options. From blogging to YouTube channels, social media to writing a book, you’re living in the age of the content buffet.
But competition and guessing your way to success isn’t your idea of a good time. You want to do what works. You want to create real connection and intimacy. And you don’t want your effort to feel ephemeral.
Lucky for you the podcasting world is growing like crazy, but it’s still early enough in the game for YOU to come in as an early adopter with massive impact.
In the last three years, the number of people listening to podcasts on the regular has increased by over 54% (in the US alone) with over 130 million+ monthly listeners on a global scale.
But the best part about your soon-to-be-podcast-audience → besides the fact that it’s growing exponentially ← is the fact that they’re committed and loyal: over 80% of people listen to each episode in its entirety.
(Ain’t nobody flippin’ through the channels here, friend…)
And that’s because a podcast gives you…

Your podcast is the most intimate way to connect with people who are genuinely interested in what you have to say.
Especially because you’ll literally be able to whisper your words of inspiration, motivation and enlightenment right into their ears while they wash their dishes, walk their dogs, commute (if Covid hasn’t turned their commute into a walk-into-the-other-room sort of thing), exercise, and otherwise multitask.
It’s a chance for your one-of-a-kind-message to make a difference without forcing your audience to stay stuck to their screens.
Even more importantly, it’s your chance to go deep with your peeps and share actual teachings, stories, and transformation.
Rather than social media sized tidbits of your genius (not to throw any shade on social media → it just can’t hold a candle to the depths of connection your podcast will create for you), you’ll be giving your audience the full-meal deal.
They’ll get to know you, trust you, love you, and be SO ready to invest in you with full confidence that you’ve got the goods to take them to where they want to be.
Because you’ve already shown them the depths of your wisdom and connected to them in a meaningful way.
Which leads us to your podcast’s epic potential for…

It pays to podcast in so many ways, friend.
Your podcast gives you the excuse *ahem* mandate to pursue your purpose, follow your passion, and own your voice (even if you don’t really like what it sounds like… yet!)
It lets you immerse yourself in interesting conversations with people you admire and want to support.
And sets you up as an expert and authority in your field. Whichever field you happen to be in → or pivoting towards.
Not only that, but your podcast is the platform you need to reach out to and meet your heroes. Because it puts you on an even playing field with the people you admire and gives you the leverage to make sure they say “Heck Yes!” to your invitation to a meaningful conversation!
And some of those conversations could turn into business collaborations, joint ventures, exciting opportunities, and much, much more.
Let’s get real for a sec…
It’s not all about the money, but it is a little about the money.
Take a look at some of the ways that podcasting has helped generate more income for us and our podcasters:
Kimberly Snider
host of Overflow Podcast
“I went from chaos and dread and lacking in self-confidence to absolute empowerment: I am a Podcaster! And I got a high-paying consulting role, several coaching clients, and a speaking gig because of my podcast!”
Jackie Tapia
Host of Amiga, handle your shit!
“The podcast has been a game-changer in terms of leverage and authority for content and promotions. People are taking notice and signing up for the classes I announce on my podcast. I’m making $$$ and changing lives!”
Nicole Windley
Host of Believe it, Achieve it!
"I just collaborated with my dream guest! We hosted a weekend in-person retreat that generated 4 figures. I did it because of my podcast. That was amazing!"
Nicholas Ofak
host of constructing greatness
“I’d been thinking about a podcast for nearly a year and am certain another year would have gone by if this course didn’t exist. The name of this course couldn’t be more fitting and the community and accountability was without a doubt the best thing about it! To put it simply this course is extremely undervalued. I have already created two biz collaborations with guests and several sponsors $$$!”
Ashley Gonor
host of uncover your magic
“Having a podcast is everything! It gave me the courage to launch a coaching program for teens I’d been wanting to do for years. I finally did and hit 4 figures on my very first launch! All because I gained so much confidence as an expert in my field through my podcast platform.”
Torund Bryhn
host of moving beyond your tribe
“The podcast has created some amazing opportunities. This is an investment in me, my brand, my marketing, and everything I’m building. And what’s really cool is I get to interview people I really want to have a relationship with, I get to develop a deeper connection between us. Some of my guests have become business partners. And, the value of that business partnership is priceless!”
Bonni Howard
host of the chronically courageous
“I have a master's level education in online learning so I know a thing or two about what it should look like. I am BLOWN AWAY by how well thought out and easy to follow the materials are. And, I got a high-paying consulting gig. Thank you for putting your hearts and souls into this incredible program!”
Ginni Saraswati
host of the ginni show
“Launching my podcast off the back of my radio career was the best thing I did for myself. Within a year, I was signed to Nova Entertainment - Australia's largest media network - and began to receive advertising revenue. My podcast was also nominated for Best Comedy Podcast at the Australian Podcast Awards and Broadcaster of the Year at the Australian LGBTI Awards. This brand authority is the very reason people sought me as a producer: to show them what's possible with a podcast.”
Michelle Sorro
host of Fire and Soul
“145+ episodes later, I can’t imagine what my life & biz would look like without my incredible podcast. From interviewing my heroes, career changing speaking opportunities, selling out my coaching programs to building multiple 6-figure collaborations with my dream guests and beyond, podcasting has changed my life!”
Got questions for someone you’ve always looked up to?
Invite your dream guest on your podcast and ask away.
You’ll be doing them a favor by sharing your audience and you’ll get the answers to questions you’ve had for a lonnng time.
Speaking of a lonnng time…
Joseph McClendon III knew he wanted a podcast 2.5 years but it didn’t get done. He thought there were too many complications and moving pieces to get it done right.
Joseph McClendon III
host of Cure for the Common life podcast
“I wanted somebody who had been there, done that, and could take care of me the right way. Michelle and Ginni showed me not just how to do it, but in a few short weeks, you have a published podcast with everything. It was brilliant. Now is the time!”
Speaking of community, your podcast is the perfect way for you to grow and interact with yours
(because you know 80% of listeners are sticking around for the whole episode) and it’s also a great place for you to funnel the people who love you onto your email list where you can continue to nurture and eventually sell to them.
We don’t mean to brag or anything…
But a bunch of our grads (who only started podcasting last year) are already monetizing their podcasts With book deals, epic business collaborations, and (yes!) sponsorships.
One of them even doubled his revenue in 2020, after being forced to shut down his brick and mortar business.
The opportunities for your business are limitless.
Even if you haven’t got a business yet…
Because following your passion and pursuing your purpose will lead you into a state of flow and alignment with what you’re meant to be doing. Before long you’ll have listeners DMing you in gratitude, in hopes of securing your 1:1 help, and jumping into any offers you’ve already got!
Then, of course, there are the sponsorship and ad opportunities that will come your way once you’ve grown your audience.
While we can’t promise you’ll be able to monetize right off the bat… podcast ad revenue is predicted to hit $3.1 billion by 2022. Up from $3.1 million in 2017.
Yup! That’s a 424% increase in revenue in 5 years.
And word on the cloud (‘cause that’s where your podcast lives right?) is that 81% of podcast listeners pay attention to podcast ads → which is pretty amazing when you compare it to the 63% of people who claim to sometimes or always ignore TV commercials!

If you’re still pushing ‘pause’ and questioning whether you can really put all the podcasting puzzle pieces together, let’s hit rewind and talk about what brought you here in the first place…
You’ve got big dreams and an important message. And maybe you’ve been thinking about starting a podcast for a while now.
Not because you want to be the next Ira Glass (though anything’s possible!) but because you care deeply about what’s going on in this beautiful world.
In the words of Dianna Hardy, you innately get that “it only takes one voice at the right pitch to start an avalanche.”
You understand that having a platform to share your message far and wide has the potential to help you support and grow your community and your business in a meaningful way.
Not to mention the fact that there’s almost nothing you love more than exploring topics you’re passionate about and delving deeply into big ideas.
But something’s been holding you back from pressing play on your biggest dreams…
… Maybe you’re afraid of how much time it might take to create something you’re truly proud of.
… Maybe you’ve been down the rabbit hole trying to figure out all that dang tech but ended up even more confused than when you started.
… Maybe you’re not *quite* comfortable with the sound of your own voice and the idea of sharing it with the whole freaking world scares you more than you want to admit.
… Maybe you’re overwhelmed by all of the moving pieces and not exactly sure where to start → we’re talking mics, cover art, show notes, editing, finding guests, asking them the right questions, dreaming up a compelling title, figuring out Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google, Stitcher… the list goes on and on, doesn’t it?
… And maybe there’s that imposter syndrome rearing its ugly head, leading you to wonder “Who am I to have my own podcast?”
Good grief, that’s enough to stop just about anyone from launching on their own!
No wonder most people only talk about launching a podcast and never do it…
You don’t have to talk about it anymore!
You can do it.
You don’t have to let all those maybe’s hold you back because with podcasting you build your authority and grow your business. Take it from one of our incredible graduates!
Mandi Dana
host of elovate podcast
“Launching my podcast was a big step. It was scary, wonderful, and exciting all at the same time. Ginni and Michelle made it so simple it was like plug and play. It’s really one of the best investments I’ve made in my business, worth the money 10-fold.”
The difference between those who dream and those who DO is nothing more than saying yes to real guidance and support and taking one brave baby step after another.
Here’s the deal: no matter what’s been holding you back from achieving your goals, it is not your fault.
Change is HARD. Because the human brain is programmed to conserve energy and do what’s easy.
In fact, in his 2005 study Change or Die, Alan Deutschman discovered that 9/10 people won’t change their behavior.
Even if their life depends on it.
And that’s all your imposter syndrome, limiting beliefs, and procrastination problems are, my friend. Bad habits.
Thought patterns that have become habitual behaviors.
The good news?
All you need to finally free yourself from every single block that’s been holding you back (from launching your podcast or anything else you desire and deserve) is guidance, support, and accountability!
In that same study, Alan discovered what DOES compel people to change — there are 3 keys (each of which is included in The Podcast Accelerator program, of course!)
The Podcast Accelerator is your fast track to success because we give you:
The coaching and accountability that you need to totally transform your relationship with your goals
A safe space, simple steps, and all of the support you need to practice the act of recording and interviewing along with a professional production team to make sure that you sound like a polished pro yourself
A lifelong community of podcasting besties who are 100% committed to your continued success and will be there for you every time you need to check your mindset and reframe for epic success!

Mic check! Tap tap… this thing is ON and it’s time for you to tune in and turn it up
Because a few short weeks from now you could be pressing play on the purpose-powered podcast of your dreams.
You could be interviewing your heroes. Sharing your unique perspective, your stories, your humor, and your support far and wide across the globe.
You could be waking up in the morning to DMs from strangers whose lives you’ve touched, dream clients who want to work with you, and other visionaries who want to swap ideas or collaborate.
Heck! You could even be well on your way to becoming the Oprah Winfrey of Podcasting for your industry. Teaming up with people you’ve always admired and creating possibilities for yourself that you’ve never even imagined.
The best part of all is that your future podcast will show you what’s possible. That simply by courageously sharing your ideas and living your purpose you can build something you’re proud of and leave behind a legacy that represents your life’s work.
And you can do all of the above even if…
–» You’re not totally clear on your why → Action breeds clarity, friend. And you’ll never get clear if you stay stuck in procrastination mode.
–» This whole podcasting thing feels really complicated → All you’ve got to do is take one brave baby step after another.
–» You’ve hardly got any following on any platform → That’s the magic of the podcasting world. Put yourself out there and you’ll be amazed at how fast your people find you.
Because with our help, none of that stuff will even remotely stop you from seeing your name on all the leading podcasting apps, connecting with your soon to be industry expert peers, and most importantly taking your message to the masses
And there will be help…
…every step of the way. No more procrastinating. Take it from Alex Molden, a grad who knows firsthand (he’s a former NFL player who knows the importance of Olympian level coaching) how dedicated we are to ensuring your success and holding you accountable.
Alex Molden
host of The shark effect podcast
“I am ecstatic that I was able to get in on the very first round of The Podcast Accelerator. It’s been an amazing experience. Everything is hands-on, making sure you’re on task. I really needed that. Make sure you take advantage of the opportunity!”

Meet the masterminds behind this one of a kind program…
Hey there!
I’m Michelle Sorro, CEO of Michelle Sorro, Inc, co-founder of The Podcast Accelerator, and host of the Fire and Soul Podcast.
I’ve worked with globally known entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and high-performance experts across a broad spectrum of industries, and even I hesitated when faced with the prospect of creating my own podcast.
Now, 150+ episodes later, I can’t imagine what my life would look like without this incredible journey.
I’m going to be honest: podcasting wasn’t a dream I ever had. When I was younger, I dreamed of being on TV. But everything changed when I attended my first Date with Destiny seminar with Tony Robbins in 2017.
I woke up to knowing I was made for more… something deep in my soul felt called to serve, contribute and make a positive difference in this world. But I had no idea where or how to begin. That's when a friend encouraged me to start a podcast and six months later, Fire and Soul came to life. Hundreds of thousands of downloads, 250 five-star reviews, and multiple 6-figure biz collaborations with guests later, life has never been the same.
I’ve got an insatiable drive, passion, and curiosity about all things sovereign leadership. So I started having conversations with friends, mentors, thinkers, geniuses, and inspirational people from all over the globe. I interview them about their mindsets and empowered actions that have led them to fulfilling lives, and I’ve learned something powerful from each and every one of them.
Now I’m on a mission to empower millions to be seen and heard, and it starts by helping your podcast dreams come true.
I’m Ginni Saraswati, CEO and Founder of Ginni Media, co-founder of The Podcast Accelerator, and host of The Ginni Show. My career has been all about using my voice, but I understand how difficult it is to find it.
Finding my voice didn’t come naturally.
When I was two years old, my family immigrated to Australia from Sri Lanka. Being plopped into a new culture, I retreated into a protective shell and became a painfully shy kid, rarely using my vocal cords for years.
It was only with encouragement from a caring teacher and best friend that I gained enough courage to speak up.
Before podcasting, I spent a decade working my voice in broadcast radio. The first time I sat behind the mic? Pure terror! I wanted nothing more than to retreat into my shell.
Again, it was through the encouragement of others (my instructors and radio community) that I learned to use my voice.
Confidence is something that we nurture. I’ve found that we repeatedly rediscover our voices as we grow and change in life.
Now I’m the owner of Ginni Media, a leading podcast production house, where I am honored to work with incredible clients including Allure, Conde Nast, Architectural Digest, Siemens, Wired, & more. And I produce podcasts like Stay Grounded, Vanessa Wants to Know, Messy and Magnificent, and Fire and Soul. I’m also the co-founder of Metro Podcast Studio in NYC and The Podcast Accelerator.
To this day, The Ginni Show podcast helps me rediscover my voice.
After being nominated at the Australian Podcast Awards for Best Comedy Podcast and Presenter of the Year at the Australian LBGTI Awards, I’ve witnessed the power of podcasting and uplifting your voice. Here, I’m stepping into the teacher’s role to help you find yours, too.
That’s why we teamed up: To help new podcasters bring their voice and vision to life by producing the best podcasts possible – without all the Googling and Imposter Syndrome muddying up the process.
together, we focus on results.
We have launched 128 podcasts since 2020
And we’re here to guide and support you to launch *your* own.
But let’s face it, you’ve got no shortage of other options — here’s why we think the Podcast Accelerator is your best bet
“Wonderfully and skillfully patient teachers and guides; thoughtful material in every user-experience and application aspect; easy to access, understand, and navigate instructions; clear intentions about the why's and how's of assignments and process; guided by love and support; professionally crafted course outline in terms of pacing and flow; white glove service with attention, support, and knowledge-sharing; IMPRESSIVE and INSPIRATIONAL! So grateful to be part of this experience in voice, growth, and connection!” — Janna Lopez Host of Eyedentity Talk Podcast
⭐️ 29 Episodes and Twenty-Five 5 Star Ratings
week one
Press Play on Your Big Picture Action Plan
Your foundation starts here with the perfect blend of big dreams and small action steps that’ll have you primed and ready to start your journey and reach your goals.
No great feat was ever accomplished without the foundation of a clear vision, a roadmap that outlines exactly how you’ll get from A to Z.
From mindset to tech and getting started essentials — this week is all about getting you hyper clear, beyond excited, and all set to dive in and make the podcast magic happen!
Create a budget friendly pro podcaster setup: from mics and headphones to pop filters and ring lights, you’ll find out what you need, how to choose it, how much it costs, and where to order it from.
The answer to the BIG burning question every future podcast host starts off with “what kind of podcast should I create?”
Get clear on your own personal podcast vision and a map out exactly how you’ll get there with our help — no guessing games, luck, or sheer determination required.
Connect with your new crew of diverse, talented, smart, and sometimes downright hilarious podcast peers. We promise you’ll feel so supported, encouraged, and downright inspired by the big hearted brainiacs you meet in this program. Not to brag, but we attract the best people 😉
The podcast equivalent of packing your bags for the trip of a lifetime (Greece, Bali, Turkey?! We’re daydreaming about travel too, boo.) — we’ll walk you through getting that coveted Apple ID, the one that silently states you’re no longer just a consumer, you’re a creator. Next, you’ll get set up on a podcast distribution platform and learn all you need to know about using Zoom to hit ‘record’ once you’re ready.
“The only reason I have a podcast is the Podcast Accelerator. They walked me through, the name, who’d have as guests, what typ of podcast-got me from zero to launch in a few weeks! ” — Trisha G host of Everyday Awesome Podcast
week two
Where Your Why, Your Mission, and Your Message Start to Make Sense
Effective communication and confidence (2 essential podcast ingredients) don’t just happen, they come from clarity on who you are, who you serve, and what you want to be known for — by the end of this week, you’ll have the answers.
Raise your hand if ALL of the above feels just a little overwhelming (or a lot)? 🙋♀️🙋♂️
Fair enough, but after working through what we have in store for you this week you’ll be overjoyed.
Michelle will coach you through the same process she uses with her private clients to clear away the mental clutter, confusion, and mindset obstacles standing between you and a podcast that represents all you have to offer.
Maybe you’re thinking, “What does any of that have to do with podcasting?” and the answer is this program is about so much more than just launching a podcast.
It’s about learning how to be consistent, how to fearlessly express yourself, how to stretch your comfort zone, and awaken to a world of new possibilities you never even knew existed. We’re so committed to making that a reality for you, friend.
With that said, here’s how we’ll take all that mindset stuff and turn it into tangible essential tasks that you can confidently check off your podcast launch to-do list.
Finalize the name of your podcast (you better believe this is when it all starts to feel real!) — reminder: you do not have to do this alone! We’re here to give you feedback and ideas, and it’s likely your ideal listeners are inside our community already and willing to share their 2 cents too.
Figure out *exactly* where to find the people who vibe with you, cultivate your community, and get your meaningful message out there to the millions of listeners who need it. Once you’re clear here you can decide where your podcast will reside in Apple’s podcast categories and subcategories.
Draft your preliminary podcast description — we’ll help you make sure you’re calling in your ideal listeners with an irresistible breakdown of everything your show’s about (if writing makes you sweat, you better believe we’ve got some killer tricks up our sleeves!)
Get super clear on the core themes of your podcast and how they’ll connect with your overall vision for your brand. This is where you take what lights you up, combine it with who you want to talk to, and commit to showing up powerfully and consistently in your newly found niche. (Knowing this is what makes sitting down to record your podcast a piece of cake moving forward).
Make a plan for what you’ll be talking about in your first episode and secure your first guest interview! Seriously, by this 2nd week, you’ll have created major momentum. By this point, most of our students are 10000x more clear and confident than when they first started.
“Now I finally have a platform where I am open and able to serve millions of people all over the world to overcome their challenges and see success on the other side.” — Christie Love Host of Be Seen Be Loved
⭐️29 Episodes and Ten 5 Star Ratings
week three
Turn Your Vision Into a Reality — It’s Brand Building Time!
Put on your creative direction hat and choose your custom made podcast cover art plus all the other visuals that will attract your perfect listeners before you say a word.
Don’t judge a podcast by its cover… unless it’s your future professionally designed and purposefully on brand podcast cover — in that case, you’ll WANT people to judge.
Save yourself the countless hours you’d otherwise spend trying to master Photoshop OR the mucho dinero you’d hire a graphic designer for — we’ve got you covered.
Once you’re clear on your why, your mission, and who you want to attract, it’s time to turn your new found clarity and inspiration into visually compelling cover art that calls out to your community to come and listen.
We’ll take a deep dive into the details of what makes a podcast cover stand out amongst the masses. Then you’ll complete a few easy tasks → choose a couple of photos, some cover art inspo, and your favorite fonts… (Pinterest is about to become your new favorite hangout).
Once you’ve put your vision for the visuals together, our professional design team will get busy behind the scenes creating two polished cover art options for you to choose from. All you have to do is choose your favorite and share it far and wide on social and all of the podcast platforms.
By the end of Week 3, you’ll:
Understand what makes for a compelling podcast cover and what you want yours to communicate to your potential listeners. Your first impression happens before your ideal listener hears you utter a word. Together, we’ll make sure you nail it.
Choose your cover art inspiration — this IS as fun as it sounds. You’ll put together a collection of visuals that light you up and capture the essence of what you want to show the world.
Your branding journey has only just begun, it’s time to choose your fonts and photos that match your vibe, your vision, and the type of person you want to attract with your podcast.
Hand it all over to the Ginni Media team so they can create the perfect cover art for you behind the scenes. You’ll be presented with 2 options that perfectly represent the vision for your future podcast et voila, one BIG step closer to ‘pressing play’!
I knew that I wanted to start my podcast, but had no idea where to start or what to do. Then I found out about Michelle and Ginni’s podcast accelerator. I jumped in head first and couldn’t have made a better decision.
The professionalism, accountability, and genuine care that Michelle, Ginni, and Sarah provide is top-notch.
They take you from concept to completion in 8 amazing weeks, and everything is first-class. I really felt like they went above and beyond for everyone in the group. The value you get for the price that you pay is unbelievable.
Truly, if you’re thinking of starting a podcast, doing it with the help of Michelle and Ginni is the only way to go! Adam Kruger host of Enhanced Living Podcast
⭐️ 100 Episodes and a 4.8 Rating out of 23 Reviews
week four
Your Message, Music, & Recording Mindset
Turn your message into a compelling podcast intro and outro that draws listeners in and gets them to subscribe, rate, review, download, and binge all of your episodes. (Psst… it’s not too good to be true and it’s ALL going down this week!)
Think of your podcast intro like a blurb on the back of a book that tells someone whether this is right for them or not. Attention spans are more limited than ever, which is why we’ll tell you exactly what to include in your 30-second first impression.
By now, you’ll be clear on your goals for your podcast. If those goals include getting ample 5-star reviews, rising up the charts, increasing your listenership, and building your audience, then we’ve got the secrets to make all of the above a whole lot easier.
By mastering a compelling episode outro and learning how to create episode soundbites that inspire curiosity and clicks, you’ll set yourself up to reach, and maybe even exceed, your big podcasting goals.
And lastly, you’ll put it all together with tunes that fit your brand and your vibe (plus you’ll learn how to navigate the ins and outs of music royalties!)
By the end of Week 4, you’ll:
Draft, practice, and record a compelling intro and outro that tells your listeners who you are, what they can expect, and why they should keep their headphones on.
Add another tech tool to your belt without spending endless hours Googling or watching YouTube videos in sporadic fits of frustration. We’ll walk you through recording software options and help you choose the one that’s right for you.
Have your perfect podcast music selected and cued up (happy dance breaks optional but highly recommended!) — with zero worries about royalties.
Know exactly how to pull the juiciest parts of every episode out to create quick, quippy, and compelling soundbites that you can use to easily promote your podcast and grow your listenership.
The Podcast Accelerator made the entire process of producing a Podcast from Step 1 to launch a breeze.
I felt supported during weekly assignments that were very approachable and never felt overwhelmed. It was done and completed before I knew it.
Launching my Podcast was one of the best days of my life.
Having a supportive community was the best part of it all! Thank you to all those that made it possible! I would give it 5 stars 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟” — Keri Faith host of Keri Faith On Purpose
⭐️ 35 Episodes and a 4.8 Star Rating Out of 33 Reviews
week five
Master the 4 Cs of a Purposeful and Profitable Podcasting Presence
This is where we’ll blast past the last of your limiting beliefs and empower you to kick your imposter syndrome to the curb so you’ll feel ready to record your first episode from a place of ease and grace. We’re going to give you all the goods to unearth the gold in every conversation.
Practice makes progress, which is why we’re not just gonna tell you to record your first episode without first partnering up with a fellow podcast powerhouse to get a feel for the interview process and build your confidence.
Getting guests is one thing, but we’ll teach you how to put your guests at ease so that they feel comfortable answering all of your questions by mastering the Conversational Arc.
Next, you’ll learn how to lovingly dig out golden nuggets of wisdom and inspiration from every single guest by becoming a Deep Listener. And let’s be real → that’s a skill that’s sure to serve you in your whole life!
Finally, you’ll master the 4 C’s of Purposeful and Profitable Podcasting (Connection, Clarity, Certainty, and Consistency). And learn *exactly* how to prep for every interview so that you know which questions to ask and how to get the good stuff out of every. single. guest.
Then, and only then, when you’ve taken all of the brave baby steps that you need to set yourself up for aligned success, it’s go time! You’ll record your first episode knowing you’ve got everything you need to make this the first of many.
From here, all you’ve got to do is upload it to your Google Drive (and yes, we’ve even got a tech tutorial for this step, in case you need!) and Ginni Media will take over → and in one week you’ll get a professionally edited podcast with show notes AND an audiogram so that you can share it all over the ‘net!
By the end of Week 5, you’ll:
Know how to use the “Conversational Arc” so that interviews excite instead of intimidate you (and bonus — this skill will only become stronger with time!)
Understand what goes into asking great questions so that your interviews feel conversational yet meaningful and develop “Deep Listener” skills that will serve you in all areas of life and business.
Master the 4 Cs of purposeful and profitable podcasting — and use them to get clear on how to prep for your interviews and show up like a pro even if deep down you’re still dealing with butterflies.
Decide on your cover art revisions so the final product feels true to you and your brand.
Have practiced your newfound podcasting skills to the point where you’re as ready as you’ll ever be to record your first episode! That’s right, by this point you’ll cross the first finish line of many. Celebrations will definitely be in order because if you can record one episode, you can record 10, 50, or 100, and start building a library full of your incredible content.
“I went from chaos and dread and lacking in self-confidence to empowerment: I am a Podcaster!” Kimberley Snider Host of Overflow
⭐️ 32 Episodes and ten 5 Star Reviews
week six
Podcast Marketing Made Easy
How to promote your podcast so the people who need you, find you (and fast!) We’ll show you how to build hype from day 1 even if most self-promotion makes you cringe.
You’ve got one week left till you launch your first podcast episode!!!
And don’t worry, friend, we’re going to help you make sure it gets out there and into the ears of the human beings who need to hear your message.
You’ll know exactly what to do to build hype and get results with your podcast promo, not just one time, but every time you release a new episode.
This week you’ll receive your professionally produced audiogram from Ginni Media → basically a short and enticing soundbite that showcases the gold from your first episode.
Then we’ll show you how to share it all over social media with tons of examples of high-performing social posts.
You’ll also get your show notes for your first episode and a list of titles to choose from.
From there, all you’ve got to do is review your notes, choose your title, submit your preferred version of your cover art, and lean back and relax while the Ginni Media team puts the final touches on to your professional and polished podcast!
By the end of Week 6, you’ll:
Have a clear game plan for how to promote your podcast every time you release a new episode. We know a thing or 2 about marketing, friend. Michelle built a multi 6-figure business in less than 2 years (largely thanks to her podcast!) and Ginni has multiple successful businesses and a 6-figure podcast production company — none of which would be possible without the marketing mastery we’re passing down to you.
Open your inbox to a professionally edited podcast with show notes AND an audiogram so that you can share it all over the ‘net! And know exactly HOW to share your first episode in a way that feels aligned with you, your vision, and your brand (no typical boring self-promotion here!)
Know exactly how to promote your podcast so that each new episode goes off with a bang and helps you build traction and a band of loyal listeners fast.
Choose the title for your first episode but more importantly understand what goes into creating compelling titles that pull your people in and create interest.
Learn all there is to know about writing great show notes that not only help your listeners get more out of your podcast but that help you attract organic traffic through SEO.
“We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into but we realized there’s a lot to a podcast if we really wanted to do it right. We got everything that we needed.
We got so much support and inspiration. We learned everything. How to figure out our topic, how to get our title and cover art, and how to market and promote the podcast. We’re getting a great response and it’s opened up an amazing conversation.” Bridget Sampson Co-Host of The Right Questions
⭐️ 22 Episodes and twenty-four 5 Star Ratings
week seven
Long Term Leverage: How to Turn Your Courage Into Consistency and Compounding Success
Launching a podcast is one thing… OK it’s a HUGE thing — and we are going to celebrate the heck out of it! But what happens next? We’ll teach you how to create a podcast with staying power, one that becomes more fulfilling, impactful, and profitable with each passing day. You ready?!
Let’s face it: most people who want to launch podcasts, don’t. They make excuses, wait for the perfect moment, and stall. At this point, you’ll officially be in the minority of people who dream of creating a podcast and then go on to actually DO IT. And you better believe we are going to celebrate together, friend!
With our high 90th percentile completion rate, incredible accountability system, and white-gloves Client Concierge service, you can be certain that your podcast is ready to launch on all of the major podcasting platforms by Week 7.
In fact, your first episode will land in your Google Drive → polished to perfection the day before we meet.
Together we’ll explore your journey forward and help you plan to harness and keep the momentum you’ve created over the last 7 weeks. We’ll reflect on all of your wins and bonus — learn how to review each other’s podcasts on Apple so you can launch with 5-star reviews out the gate (the first of MANY!)
You’ll also get a bonus DIY Audio Editing class from Ginni AND the details of your special (and insanely affordable, not available to anyone outside this program) Podcast Accelerator Alumni Production Pricing from Ginni Media.
In short, you’ll have everything you need to keep on creating professional and polished episodes with or without our hands on support.
By the end of Week 7, you’ll:
Know the next steps on your podcasting journey — by this point you’ll have done all the hard work with our help, but we want you to keep going and have plenty of helpful resources, tips, and even an option to access continued support to make it happen!
Learn how to edit and produce on your own, no tech troubles or “I don’t know what I’m doing” will ever again stop you from hitting play on your next purposeful podcast episode.
Pop the champagne because this is the moment you’ve been waiting for — it’s time to launch your first episode and never look back!
“This experience has been such a wonderful ride. Your patience ... and guidance and encouragement is amazing and has kept me motivated!
Am so grateful for both Michelle Sorro and Ginni Saraswati for this program and the timing with all of this has been a blessing. 💕🙏🏻” Ashley Gonor, host of Uncover Your Magic Podcast
⭐️71 Episodes and two-hundred and eight 5 Star Reviews
week eight
Your Personal Path to Becoming a Podcasting Pro
How to pitch, schedule, and follow up with your dream guests so that you can build mutually beneficial relationships for years to come. You’ll get all of our best practices and email templates to ensure that your guests feel supported and celebrated PLUS everything else you need to go from novice to PRO.
All the final pieces you need in order to stay consistent, continue to record and release epic episodes that grow your reach and spread your message.
What you’ll discover and receive this week alone is a course in its own right. Because on top of everything you’ve learned so far, we’re giving you the tools and templates to take it all to the next level.
Get the lowdown on how to create effective and interesting show notes that entice people to listen to your episodes without giving away all of the gold inside.
On top of all of that, we’ll both teach you how to create compelling episode titles and headlines AND give you access to over 650 proven headlines, titles, and subject lines!
And even though this is our last week of live classes together, you’ll get to move forward with the support of our entire Podcast Accelerator community in our alumni Facebook group.
Because no matter what, from now until forever, you’re part of the Podcast Accelerator family and we’ve got you, friend.
By the end of Week 8, you’ll:
Have a solid understanding of how to effectively pitch guests for your show — this includes your idols, industry leaders, heroes, and people who before felt completely out of reach.
Have a strategy on how to follow up with them so that they feel supported and excited to share you with their audience (this is where momentum becomes your middle name, friend!)
Not only how to craft compelling headlines, titles, and subject lines but you’ll have access to over 650 proven to perform podcast titles to run with (that should keep you going for a while!)
“They make you the hero. They truly are the guides guiding you through every step of the way. Figuring out the technical pieces, how to curate your content, and most importantly, the work with your mindset. They have this magic touch to help you push through any fears you have about sharing your voice or message.” - Steve Lawrence host of Ignited Learning with Steve Lawrence Podcast
⭐️9 Episodes and eleven 5 Star Reviews
wait wait wait…
Did we mention that in addition to all of the above you also get your very own professional podcast concierge?
This is a white-glove, high-touch, high-impact experience where you’ll be supported every step of the way by Ginni (your tech and production expert) and Michelle (your mindset and confidence activator), and your very own podcast concierge — wondering what exactly that is?
(Meet Talia, your white-glove service Podcast Accelerator accountability guardian angel…)
“As client concierge, my mission is to uphold the ease and grace experience of the Podcast Accelerator by providing white-glove service to all members, both inside and outside of the live calls.”
Practically speaking, this means that I’m the go-to person to answer members’ questions as they work through their weekly deliverables via the Podcast Accelerator Facebook Group.
My job also includes initially setting up everyone’s Google Drives, tracking the completion of deliverables, holding members accountable to their commitments, and virtually holding their hands as they cross the finish line each week.
During our live calls, I work as an extra set of eyes to make sure everyone is seen and heard, and no question falls through the cracks.
I also assist with managing the Ginni Media team behind the scenes, including communicating any updates from PA members, setting up and overseeing our project management software, and performing quality checks on the content produced.” Talia Emm-Goodall — Client Concierge for the Podcast Accelerator
When I think back to 8 weeks ago, the idea of having a fully produced podcast, professionally edited and out there on all major players was merely a fantasy.
The results that Michelle Sorro and Ginni Saraswati from Ginni Media produce are nothing short of breathtaking. Not only am I out there but I'm recording the next shows.
What felt like the Himalayas was smoothed into gentle rolling hills and with their motto of leaving no man or woman behind. This has to be the best course I've taken in the last 10 years.
Don't think twice, even without the completed podcast what I learned about myself along the way and my potential was worth the price. thank you.
And a big thank you to Sarah Peplinski @ Ginni Media who reassured us no question was too stupid 😉 — Alex Frankpitt host of Flowerhood Podcast
⭐️ 24 Episodes and Ten 5 Star Reviews
You also get all these bonuses:
The Podcast Accelerator Community:
An intimate community filled with like-minded human beings from all over the world who seriously get you, where you’re at on your journey, and where you’re looking to go.
These amazing people will become your new besties as you navigate your podcasting journey together. They’ll be there to celebrate your wins, sort out your struggles, and leave you your first (but definitely not your last!) 5 Star Reviews.
No matter your industry, passion, or mission, you’re sure to find friends on your vibe. And they’ll very likely even end up as guests on your show.
And anytime you’ve got a question you can pop it into the group and your personal Concierge will make sure you get your answer.
33 On-Demand Tech Tutorials from Ginni Media
Whether you’re trying to figure out whether or not you need a pop filter (and how to use it!), how to upload and download to Audacity or Garageband, how to record your intro, outro, or podcast, or even just how to work with Google Drive, you’ll get all the tech help you need to be set up for success.
Live Q+A Sessions w/ Ginni & Michelle
Each week you’ll have the opportunity to get any and all of your questions answered. And there are no stupid questions here, friend.
Whether you’re confused about:
How to set up your Zoom Account
Whether or not you need headphones
How to get more engagement from your audience
Which music best suits your brand
Whether you should film your podcast and if you need a ring light
How to start to believe in yourself and your mission
How to get comfortable with your voice
What kind of questions to ask
What kind of guests you should interview
Or anything else your mind becomes preoccupied with
We are here to sort you out, set you straight, and help you feel so much more confident and clear!
To sum it all up, inside the Podcast Accelerator you’ll:
⭐️ Go from zero to launch with eight weeks of white-glove service, support, and step-by-step guidance
⭐️ Master your mindset, elevate your conversational skills, and rock everything tech with eight 90-minute live classes with Ginni and Michelle (plus replays you can keep forever)
⭐️ Step-by-step instructions, weekly checklists, and bite-size deadlines to help you crush your goals
⭐️ Easily navigate your journey with a 65+ Page Guide Book you can refer back to at any time
⭐️Stay on track with your very own podcasting Client Concierge (we will NOT let you fail!)
And the bonuses...
⭐️ A supportive community of like-minded new best friends on the same journey as you
⭐️ Ditch the tech drama with 33 on-demand tutorials from leading podcast production house, Ginni Media
⭐️ Eight live, 30-minute, no-judgement Question and Answer sessions where you can get the answers to anything you want!
Plus You’ll get Instant Access To...
⭐ How to Launch A Podcast Guide Book
⭐ A Short Guide Book for your guests on best podcasting practices
⭐ Podcast Launch Checklist
8 LIVE training sessions - NOT prerecorded
Michelle Sorro’s Coaching Rate: $750/hour = $9,000
Ginni Saraswati Consulting Rate: $500/hour = $6,000
$15,000 VALUE
A Professionally Produced Podcast on all your Favorite Apps in 8 weeks
$3,500 VALUE
Your own personal Client Concierge
In our Facebook Group
$3000 value
Custom Tech Tutorials by Ginni Media
$2000 value
1:1 Tech Support at your desire with Ginni Media Team
$1500 VALUE
Podcast Accelerator Facebook Community
PLUS! The Pro Package, After Your Launch
$1500 Value
Total Value = $26,680
Your Investment
The Podcast Accelerator
Pay in Full
–» 8x90-minute LIVE Training sessions- NOT prerecorded
–» A Professionally Produced Podcast on all the major Apps in 8 weeks
–» Personal Client Concierge
–» Custom Tech Tutorials
–» Three 1:1 Tech support calls with Ginni Media
–» The Podcast Accelerator Facebook Community
–» Weekly LIVE Q&A sessions
–» PLUS! The Pro Package
–» How to Launch a Podcast Guidebook
–» Podcast Guest Best Practices
–» Podcast Launch Checklist
BONUS: Lifetime subscription to Podcast Magazine
6 payments of
–» 8x90-minute LIVE Training sessions- NOT prerecorded
–» A Professionally Produced Podcast on all the major Apps in 8 weeks
–» Personal Client Concierge
–» Custom Tech Tutorials
–» Three 1:1 Tech support calls with Ginni Media
–» The Podcast Accelerator Facebook Community
–» LIVE Q&A sessions
–» PLUS! The Pro Package
–» How to Launch a Podcast Guidebook
–» Podcast Guest Best Practices
–» Podcast Launch Checklist

We guarantee that you'll be able to hit play on a leading podcast platform, your first professionally produced podcast episode, by the end of our eight weeks together, but if you’re not satisfied within 7 days of the program start date, we’ll give you all of your money back.
But how the heck many hours is this whole thing going to take me every week, anyway?
(and all the rest of the A’s to your q’s)
Click the questions below to get the answers!
+ I’ve been wanting to create a podcast for years now and I’m a little bit skeptical about this whole “launch-in-8-weeks” thing. How is that even possible? And will it really work for me? Sounds kind of overwhelming, tbh.
Heck yes, it will!
Here’s the thing, the only thing that’s standing in your way from launching is the fact that it feels like an overwhelming bunch of moving parts. But that’s what we’re here for, friend!
And the reason we can promise you’ll launch in 8 weeks is that when you join us in the Podcast Accelerator we break down the whole process into step-by-step, bite size pieces that are completely do-able.
Then we teach you which ones to do first and how to tackle them.
Then we hold your hand through the entire process.
In fact, most of the work of putting out your first, perfectly polished episode is done behind the scenes by the Ginni Media team.
If anything feels difficult or overwhelming, you can ask about it in our Facebook group, bring it to our live Question and Answer sessions, or email your very own Concierge if you’re a little bit nervous about asking your question in the main group.
And all you’ve got to do to get yourself launched is show up to the lessons (or watch the recording on your own time) then complete the tiny tasks we assign each week.
+ I’m seriously technologically challenged. Do you really think I’ll be able to figure out the equipment and software?
Here’s the good news, mate: with our live lessons and 33 on-demand tech tutorials, we’re going to take your tech woes and turn you into a tech pro! Promise.
Some of our grads weren’t even sure where to plug in their microphones or how to access their Google Drives before they joined the PA…
Now every single one of those self-professed-tech-noobs feel super empowered because they’ve launched their podcasts on all of the leading podcast apps!
The truth of the matter is, being “technologically challenged” is just a story you’re telling yourself. With the proper support, you can learn new things.
And we’re going to both show you how to do them with ease and grace and help you master your mindset so you can let go of all of the stories holding you back!
+ Ok, ok! But what if I don’t like the sound of my own voice?
This is a doozy, isn’t it? It can be SO hard to listen to ourselves when we first start recording. So let’s start with a truth here: you are not alone.
Our voices sound different when we’re speaking because our whole head is actually vibrating from the sound! So when you hear a recording of your voice, it can make you really uncomfortable, right?
But it might be even bigger than not liking the sound of your own voice. Because maybe you’re actually afraid of your voice? Of owning it. And owning your message. Your purpose?
Maybe the idea of stepping up and using your voice makes you uncomfortable because you know that doing so will transform your life?
Fair enough. But I’m going to give it to you straight.
The life of your dreams is on the other side of that fear. And the only way you’re going to get your message out there into the world, the only way you’re going to get past the fears holding you back in any aspect of your life is by embracing discomfort. Stepping up. And doing it again and again.
Because discomfort and consistency are the currency of success. And if you don’t get comfortable with being uncomfortable, you’ll never create the meaningful life you dream of.
But you do not have to do it alone. Instead, you can face your fears and step up into your best self surrounded by a loving community of people doing the very same thing. At the very same time.
Guided by a couple of mentors who’ve been there, seen it through, made it to the other side of fear, and just keep growing.
+ Can’t I just sign up for a free email training and DIY this?
Yup! You sure can.
In fact, you’ve probably already read a bunch of free guides and maybe even signed up for a paid, Do-It-Yourself course, right?
So now the real the question is: how’s that working out for you?
If you’ve read this far then our guess is: probably not very well. And it’s not your fault. There are tons of courses out there in the world promising to help you launch your podcast. But with their abysmal completion rates, Do-It-Yourself might as well be Do-It-Never.
Well, the Podcast Accelerator completion rate is ridiculously high. Like more-than-95% high.
Because we meet live. We give you easy-to-follow lessons and step-by-step instructions. You get a checklist every week so you know exactly what’s expected of you. Then your personal Concierge goes into your Google Drive each week to make sure you’re where you need to be.
And if you aren’t?
She checks in. Personally. She asks you what you need to hit your deadline. She supports the heck out of you.
If you still don’t hit your deadline?
Get ready from a personal phone call and transformational check in from yours truly (👋 Hi! Michelle here!)
We created this course to help you live your most meaningful life. And you better believe we’re going to do everything it takes to help you accomplish your goals to be heard and get your message out there. No matter what’s holding you back, we will help you get through it.
Maybe even more importantly, those deadlines you need to hit are filled with little baby steps. Sure, eventually you’ve got to be brave and record your first episode. But by the time you get there, you’ll have done everything you need to feel ready and willing to face your fears and embrace your voice.
And then of course there’s the fact that this is not a DIY course. This is a launch-your-podcast-with-a-professional-producer-of-a-leading-podcasting-house and the coaching-of-a-soul-driven-heart-led-mindset-master course.
+ What if I’m not exactly sure on my Big Why and my message?
Action breeds clarity, friend. And the universe rewards the brave.
You’re here because podcasting is calling to you. Because deep down you know you want more. That you have more to offer. That you’re here for a real purpose.
And even if you’ve just got an inkling about what your message might be and a foggy vision around your why, taking action to move towards the meaningful life you crave will open up so many possibilities and opportunities that your new problem might just be figuring out which part of your Big Why to pursue first.
Except it won’t be, because your podcast will literally show you the way. By inspiring big ideas and magnetizing the messages you need to hear from the people you need to meet right to you. And bringing you into alignment with the life you are meant to lead.
Just like it continues to do for Alex.
+ Alright then, Ginni and Michelle, how much of my week am I going to have to dedicate to this program?
Not very many, to be honest!
We’ll meet live each week for a live Question and Answer session followed by our 90 minute lesson. So that will take about two hours, one evening, each week.
Then on top of that, you’ll have a bit of homework. But you’ll be so set up for success that it shouldn’t take you that much extra time to get your part done.
And some of the homework, like choosing which mic to order or looking for cover art inspiration should be both super fun and super fast.
Your biggest homework week will also be your most fun homework week, because that’s when you’ll be recording your podcast. But even that shouldn’t take you more than an hour.
And you don’t have to worry at all about making mistakes. Just make a note of what they are and the Ginni Media team will magically make them disappear!
+ When are the classes?
Here is the course schedule:
The first class is on Wednesday, March 2 @ 5pm PST (8pm EST)
Wednesday, March 9 @ 5pm PST (8pm EST)
Wednesday, March 16 @ 5pm PST (8pm EST)
Wednesday, March 23 @ 5pm PST (8pm EST)
Wednesday, March 30 @ 5pm PST (8pm EST)
Wednesday, April 6 @ 5pm PST (8pm EST)
Wednesday, April 13 @ 5pm PST (8pm EST)
Wednesday, April 20 @ 5pm PST (8pm EST)
+ Alright, I’m in! How do I get in?
Yesss! You’ve got this, you go-getter!
Just click right here and either take advantage of our easy payment plan or save almost $100 by paying in full.
Then check your email for:
⭐ Your invitation to our exclusive Podcast Accelerator community
⭐ Your How to Launch A Podcast Guide Book (feel free to read ahead but don’t forget we’re going to hold your hand through the whole process!)
⭐ A Short Guide Book on best podcasting practices for your guests
⭐ A Podcast Launch Checklist
And a calendar link to make sure you don’t miss one minute of our epically aligned journey together!
✔️ You’ve got big ideas and a bit of an audience and you want to start connecting with them in a meaningful way.
✔️ You’re an expert in your field but hardly anyone knows who you are.
✔️ You’ve got a brick and mortar business and you’re ready to bring your offer online.
✔️ You’re a creative, coach, entrepreneur, or activist with a mission to help more people and have a bigger impact.
✔️ You’ve been thinking about launching a podcast for a while now and you would love some support to make it happen. Fast.
✔️ You’ve struggled a bit with creating meaning in your life but you know that you’re here for more.
✔️ You’ve got big dreams to change the world but you just keep getting in your own way.
✔️ You’re ready to commit a couple of hours a week to leveling up yourself and your life.
✔️ You’re excited about creating deep connections, leading meaningful conversations, meeting your heroes, growing your audience, and cultivating your community.
✔️You value quality and the power of commitment. You know you could either keep saying “someday” or commit to bringing your podcast dreams to life TODAY with a team of pros who have covered all the bases to help you succeed.
Add ‘em up, friend! If you ✔️ “Yes” to 5 of the above…
You can do this. You were made for this!

Here’s the truth:
Your podcast is a portal to building a powerful platform.
A portal to incite you to rise up and step into your role as a leader on the path to change.
A portal for you to empower yourself and others to awaken, live more fully, and have the conversations that matter.
A portal for you to get your one-of-a-kind message out there to those who need you most. Wherever they are.
You have true value and so many gifts to offer and the truth is, you need to find a way to share your magic with the people you’re here to help, change, and impact.
The teachers, thought leaders, visionaries, and change makers that you admire all started exactly where you are now. With a vision, a message, and the knowledge that they’re here for more.
The only difference between you and your heroes is that they bet on themselves and built a platform to share their message. Despite their fears. Because, friend, we are all afraid. But success lives on the other side of fear. And if you don’t face your fears, you’ll never become the human being you came here to be.
Our own podcasts catapulted us into lives we had never even dared to dream of. They gave us autonomy, authority, and financial independence. They empowered us to become leaders, connected us to our heroes, and opened up a world of possibilities on every level of existence.
If you’re reading this, you can do the same. So what are you waiting for?! Let’s press play on your dreams and make it happen!
Crank the volume on your vision, you’ve got this.
Ginni + Michelle
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