Jason Goldberg | Create a Competition Proof Business

Ready for the BEST POD EVER?! :) For entrepreneurs (and solopreneurs), most of our days are spent both planning and taking action. No matter how much we try to control the world around us, things usually don’t go quite as planned. According to my friend Jason Goldberg, we have two options when that happens: become a Prisoner of Circumstance, or step into Self-Leadership.
Jason Goldberg is an award-winning entrepreneur, highly sought-after speaker, and the author of the #1 international bestseller Prison Break. He’s had a dynamic and fascinating life, and I love how he focuses on blending his signature mix of simple and transformational wisdom, practical business mentorship, and belly-busting humor to help coaches, speakers, and online educators build competition-proof businesses. In everything he pursues, Jason’s main goal is to always work toward connecting with someone and making a genuinely positive impact on them.
On today’s episode, Jason and I unpack truly transformational topics. He shares his experience of “nailing and scaling” a competition-proof business, the relationship between our fear and ego, and why everyone needs to prioritize connection in today’s world.
We’ve officially declared this episode as the best podcast episode I’ve ever done. I can’t wait for you to take a listen!
Some Questions I Ask:
How do you measure your impact on others? (14:42)
What is LPI and how does it relate? (17:20)
How do you balance being high-touch and the cost of personal time? (30:42)
How do you define fulfillment? (1:04:11)
In This Episode, You Will Learn:
About Jason’s approach to creating a competition-proof business. (10:19)
How you differentiate yourself in the business world. (11:21)
The real measure of success. (16:42)
Why it’s important to use social media as a dialogue (and not a monologue). (17:46)
Why Jason is obsessed with client astonishment. (31:55)
What it means to be a prisoner of circumstance versus a self-leader. (48:25)
The most powerful coaching Jason has ever received. (57:16)
The ten words that Jason's longtime and acclaimed coach, Steve Chandler, said that completely changed changed his life. <-- catch that at the very end of the chat. Sooooo powerful!!
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The Prosperous Coach by Rich Litvin
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