Michelle Sorro on The Mommy Millionaire Podcast | Serving vs Selling
Today, we’re turning the tables and putting ME on the opposite side of the mic!

With Cayla Craft after speaking at the Mommy Millionaire Live event, the #1 Conference for Women in Business.
I’m sharing an interview I did last week on Cayla Craft’s The Mommy Millionaire Podcast. Cayla is a nurse turned self-made millionaire, and on a mission to help women entrepreneurs find their path and explode in business.
In this episode, I’ll share some of my own career history, including the time I was on The Apprentice (throwback!). I share how important it is to truly own who you are, declare certainty in the value you have to offer, and quit the things that no longer serve you. It’s all about being unapologetically authentic in who you are and aligning that with your actions.
1. Quit to Win
Sometimes, we’re put into situations that require us to push and push and push—sometimes to the breaking point. This could include growing or maintaining a business, relationships, or anything else in life that requires serious effort that may have hit a threshold. There comes a point where this effort or connection is not healthy to hold onto and it becomes a draining process.
If it’s depleting your energy in the long run, then it may be time to let go. Don’t let anything keep you small and isolated. Instead, quit to win.
2. Experience Freedom Through Expression
In a society that tends to praise inauthenticity, most people don’t say what they truly feel. People don’t trust what’s in their soul. Instead, they bottle it up or just allow fear to control their actions and inactions.
So, just say it! The more you allow yourself to be expressive, the deeper, more authentic freedom you’ll experience. Express yourself more. Speak up. Voice your opinion! Be courageous to who you really are.
3. Serve, Don’t Sell
While I personally embrace sales, not everyone thrives in this space. When it comes to business, sales are essential to ensuring that you have the ability to financially keep going. So, getting comfortable with selling is a necessity. The first step to successfully selling yourself, your business, or whatever it is, is to shift your mindset. Don’t sell something—serve someone.
When you are offering your service, you need to be certain that what you’re offering is of value. When you feel that conviction—that certainty—then you are able to let go of any negative feedback that might creep its way into your space. As long as you demonstrate confidence in yourself and your business, those who do find value in it will magnetize with you. You’ve got to truly believe it for yourself; if you’re not buying it, then nobody else will either.
4. Live Shamelessly
To me, shamelessness is defined by conquering fear. Oftentimes, fear can actually function as a comfort zone; anything outside of your comfort is fear. Shamelessness is moving through that space and into an uncomfortable place. Be absolutely shameless in going for what you want and work your way up to the very top!
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