Michelle Sorro | The Universe Rewards the Brave
Here's to the brave, my friends! Now is the time to lean into the dreams on your heart. Whether it’s making a big move in life, or leaping into the dream of being your own boss and living life on your own terms, those big dreams can be daunting.
When we’re wrapped up in the fear of anything new and unfamiliar, we either procrastinate or walk away altogether and often end up with regret. Why couldn't I have just been braver?
The anxiety in those moments exists only in the build up. Once you take action, it dissipates like magic. Suddenly, it’s full speed ahead because the ANTIDOTE TO FEAR IS ACTION. You end of creating a momentum that possesses such an incredible energy that any fear you once had gets left in the dust.
If you’re ready to declare 2021 as your year, this episode will empower you to take inspired action!
In This Episode You Will Learn:
Why action is the antidote to fear (2:07)
Definitions of bravery (7:37)
How I found the courage to act on something that no longer aligned (10:43)
Why you need to get into the mindset of an entrepreneur (15:42)
The 3 basic fundamentals of business growth (20:10)
The archetypes I called on when I needed to be brave (22:25)
The brave investments I made that helped grow my business (25:29)
How fear nearly prevented me from launching this podcast (30:30)
What you’ll learn in my free Live Video Sales Masterclass (34:13)
The mind-boggling statistics of live video sales (35:41)
Podcast- Conscious Conversions
My FREE Masterclass: How to Master Zoom and Live Video Sales Like a Pro Free Masterclass
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