Bonus! How Confidence Changed Their Life & Business

Fire and Soul Pod- LVM Grads.png

Here’s to being confident! 

Have you ever been curious about utilizing live video to grow your business, but you feel a little nervous or apprehensive about being in front of the camera? Well, let me tell you, you’re not alone. The fear is understandable, and it’s a part of the process for everyone.

The truth is that we live in a digital world, something that’s been made especially clear during this pandemic. Conversations happen over video and we have meetings via video. That means the natural progression for your business has to be building a strong, confident, video presence where you can truly connect with your audience and potential customers. 

My guests today have all been where you are. Mandi Dana is a Mentor coach for Tony Robbins. She invested time in learning how to master live video and it’s not only helped her get a promotion and increased her bottom line, but it’s helped her build confidence and connect better with her audience. Cristina Stutz turned to live video to connect with other sensitive, introverted women like herself and boost their confidence. Michaëlle Gocko runs three businesses ranging from coaching, to real estate, to marketing. She chose to leverage the power or live video to take the lead and speak up for underrepresented groups.

They all took steps to get out of their comfort zone and make the leap into live video, and so can you!  It’s been such an effective tool for them that they’ve come to share their success stories with you today.

In this episode, my guests will share how video mastery has helped them in their businesses, and how it’s been such an effective confidence booster for them personally. You’ll hear how video allows you to connect more deeply and authentically with your audience and how you can convert viewers into clients like a pro. 

Are you ready to optimize your business and create intimate connections with viewers through Facebook Live and Zoom? It’s time to overcome your fears and take charge! 

In This Episode You Will Learn: 

  • What’s covered in my free Live Video Sales Masterclass (2:45)

  • How the program will boost your confidence and increase sales (6:42)

  • The importance of connecting with people through the camera (12:04)

  • How camera confidence translates into in-person confidence (13:49)

  • Why being comfortable in front of the camera is no longer a negotiable skill (17:17)

  • Owning your power through commanding your voice (25:18)

  • A before and after story of live video mastery (31:06)

  • The community fringe-benefit of connecting with like-minded people through the course (35:37)

  • How preparation and focus take the pressure off of presentation (41:33)

  • How live video mastery strengthens your skills as a communicator (47:41)

  • Why you don’t have to have a decisive plan for how you’ll use LVM today (53:39)

Ready to see what Live video can do for your life & biz? Snag your spot with link below: 

My FREE Masterclass: How to Master Zoom and Live Video Sales Like a Pro

Connect with Mandi Dana:





Connect with Christina Stutz:




Connect with Michaëlle Gocko:





Bonus! Sarah J. Stevens | How This Entrepreneur Found Success Serving a Niche Audience


Michelle Sorro | The Universe Rewards the Brave